Thursday, August 03, 2006

National Library

This is one of the buildings I passed during my quest for National Art Gallery. The National Library is located along the same road with the Art Gallery. Unlike the Art Gallery, the library's main entrance could be seen from the main road.

The library is at least four storeys high. Anyone can go in and browse the collections. But you need to be a member to borrow a book. They have good collection of magazines. I among magazine I found were recent copy of Reader Digest, National Geographic. There were other magazines but mostly older copies.

The books in the main building are only reference books. To borrow a book, you need to go the adjecent building (Bangunan Sejarah). I only went to the 3rd floor and found that the have quite recent books on ICT. Other books are mostly older edition.

In my brief moment in the National Library, I found that there are many books on a wide variety of topics. However, books are mostly of older edition. If they are not old, they look old. Maybe due to the many hands that have handled the books. I definitely need to spend more time in browsing the books and check if they have recently publish reference books.

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