Thursday, November 01, 2007


It was still early in the morning. The jams had not started yet. My T5 is blaring out my favourite song via the earphones. The early morning rain makes weather just nice for a morning ride. I was enjoying my slow ride on the bike to work. Still plenty of time to get to work.

Then, suddenly, the car in front of me decided to change lane without giving the signal light. I pressed my brakes. Normally that would slow down the bike. But today, I could feel the tyres loosing their grip on the tarmac. The bike skidded and I fell on my side. I saw car tyres and doors on my left and right. I let go of the bike while ‘sliding’ on the tarmac. While this was happening, my mind kept reminding me not to put my hands on the tarmac – my fingers could get run over by the tyres. I could see the bike scratching the sides of the car on the right and a car on the left.

By the time I stopped sliding, a ‘Singh’ was already on my side helping me to get up. He must have been on a bike behind me. I was dazed. He asked me if I was okay. I said I think I am. Once we got my bike up, and he could see that I could stand and move, he continued his journey. I can’t remember if I said thanks to him. I could only see his eyes and his blue turban. He had his mouth covered. If you happened to know this good Samaritan, say thanks to him for me!

And last but definitely not least, Thank you Merciful God for not letting any cars or bike to run over me!

p.s.: New items in the wishlist: (1) New pair of leather boots (2) A matching leather jacket


Zetty said...

oh my god!
babe..ada luka2 tak? kesiannya you.

Me said...

Thanks to leather boots, long coat, and good pants, the only visible wound was a minor scraped knee. Plus, I wasn't speeding. Adrenalin was pumping high this morning, didn't really feel pain till this afternoon. Now starts to ache here and there.

Lynn said...

so terkejut reading ur post today. take care!

Me said...

Was trembling for a while but I'm okay. Didn't see my life flashes by, so it wasn't a near-death-experience. hahahaha...

I'm very glad 'Singh' helped to get the bike up. I don't think I could do it by myself. Thanks a lot Mr Singh!

Oh yeah the scraped knee is now a swollen scraped knee. :(