Thursday, February 14, 2008


I've never celebrated Valentine day. I wonder why people like to glorify the celebration of love on this one day. We should celebrate life, everyday - even with all it short-comings.

Here's some of my reason to celebrate life:
1. I've scale up Great Wall of China
2. I've been to the leaning tower of Pisa
3. I've been to the Colleseum of Rome
4. I've been on some holy lands (suprisingly this include the Vatican City)
5. I've gone snorkelling (I've always wanted to do this since I was a kid)
6. I've gone scuba diving (another dream of mine when I was a kid)
7. I've become a millionaire (even if it meant I had to be in another country)
8. I've spent my first million away (refer to item 7)
9. I've been on a ferries wheel (not a small feat for a 'vertically challenged' people)

and last but definitely not least:
10. I've been in a road accident and survived it! (only had scratches and bruises)

Now I'm off to watch the final Amazing Race Asia Season 2.

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